Goigo's Laravel CMS is a product of many years of working with databases, coding languages, websites, and other technology. We choose Laravel framework because it is very good concept. It follows 3-layer programming and it offers offers speed, stability and safety.
Our CMS base is Laravel Framework which is all about speed, stability and safety.
The CMS itself is completely orientated around automatic SEO and best position in search engines (like google, Bing, etc.). We implemented the system where you can use different domains for any language translation of the site you want, with which we have a very good SEO experience.
Since our every project is custom made solution, for each project we use only modules that we need, which is always best option.
In development of one website run on goigoCMS, we use combination of the needed technologies:
- Laravel framework
- jQuery
- Vanilla Javascript
- Nginx
- Elasticsearch
- Google maps API V3
- Facebook API
- Google+ API
- API/XML 2-way communication through web services